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Simply put, a premium number is a mobile number that includes memorable or auspicious combinations of numbers: for example, 07770 123456, 07766 666 666, or 07510101010. The most rare or desirable of these numbers are known as 'golden' or 'gold' numbers, with more common variations categorised as 'silver' or 'bronze'. 

As the first four digits of Australian numbers are allocated to carriers (for example, 07770 is Vodaofne numbers, 07888 is Three, and 07707 and 07999 belong to O2), these usually can't be customised. But if you're willing to pay extra, you can secure premium, easy-to-remember number sequences for the remaining six digits.  

If you're running a small business, a premium contact number is a simple way to stand out. A custom number can look professional, enhance radio ads and jingles, and ensure you're the first company called by potential customers. So if you're happy to shell out a little extra to lock down an unforgettable business number, it may be well worth the investment.

Not a business owner? If you're just looking for a customised phone number for personal use, it's similar to owning personalised license plates: fun, but not essential. There's no real practical need for a premium number for private use, but if you're a fan of numerology, or have certain lucky numbers, you can request your preferred combination from a handful of providers. 


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